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Watch the video below to learn my approach to Bursits

What Is Bursitis?

Bursitis is a painful condition that affects the small, fluid-filled sacs — called bursae — that cushion the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints. Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed. The most common locations for bursitis are in the shoulder, elbow and hip. But you can also have bursitis by your knee, heel and the base of your big toe. Bursitis often occurs near joints that perform frequent repetitive motion. Treatment typically involves resting the affected joint and protecting it from further trauma. In most cases, bursitis pain goes away within a few weeks with proper treatment, but recurrent flare-ups of bursitis are common.


Although those with bursitis suffer greatly when they have their flare ups, unfortunately, it is not a widely known condition. In 2022, about 200,000 cases have been reported in the US. Although on the one hand, it’s good that millions of people aren’t suffering from this, the problem is that there aren’t many companies that are developing permanent solutions to this chronic condition because they don’t see the monetary benefit in it. The truth is, the numbers could potentially be higher because people are often misdiagnosed with arthritis or do not even seek treatment as they feel as if this is a pain they’ll just have to deal with. People who suffer from this are told to just rest, put ice on it, get PRP injections or even have surgery if it gets too bad, but unfortunately, the bursae often come back. This has them feeling isolated and helpless as they are in too much pain to play with their kids or they’re missing work because they just can’t push past the pain. The worst part is going to the doctor repeatedly only to hear ‘there is nothing more we can do.’


We need to find out the real reason why you have bursitis. Most doctors will say that it is due to overuse of a specific body part or an injury, however those things are not the cause. Those are symptoms of a deeper issue.  There is a misalignment between your mind and your body and we need to connect with your biofield in order to find out exactly where the disconnect is and how to fix it. Once we clear the problem from your biofield, we can find out if there are any external steps that are necessary and specific to you that you need to do in order to heal your bursitis and most importantly, what you need to do to ensure it doesn’t come back. You may need to take some supplements or stop taking certain medications or change your exercise routine or it may not have anything to do with your body. You may need to work on some emotional or mental issues or fix a business relationship, the solutions may vary, but we’ll find out what’s right for you in your biofield. 


I had a client who had bursitis in her knees. She had a lot of inflammation and she had trouble walking and sitting down. The pain was so bad it even woke her up in her sleep every night with throbbing pangs. She went to the doctor and he told her, “You’re just getting old. You just need to rest and you can’t move around as much”. This was unacceptable to her, so she came to me for help. We connected with her biofield and found out why she had the bursitis, cleared it from her field and discovered the steps she needed for a transformation. She needed to add in a few things and take away a few things, but after we developed a plan for her, which she executed, she is now bursitis free and able to move around and sleep without pain, even in her old age.


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