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Emotional Imbalance

Watch the video below to learn my approach to Emotional Imbalance

What Is Emotional Imbalance?

Emotional imbalances happen when you can’t cope with life in an effective and reasonable manner. It might feel like your heart and mind are constantly at war with each other. It’s possible that your imbalance is due to an underlying mental health disorder like depression or anxiety. Or it could just mean that you have a harder time controlling your emotions and need to learn new coping strategies. 1 in 5 people in the US experience a mental illness of some kind every year. People who struggle with emotional imbalance often experience symptoms like stomach aches, tense muscles, trouble sleeping, and irritability. While it can be difficult to live with an imbalance, this does not have to be a fixed state.


Everyone experiences some form of emotional imbalance in their life at one point or another. This is a part of life that is unavoidable as this is how we grow and evolve as we sort through our issues. The problem is that some of us have a much harder time figuring out how to solve our issues or pulling ourselves away from negative emotions when they arise. Depending on who you seek advice from, you may be told to just get more sleep, go to retreat outdoors, eat ice cream, get on medication or binge watch Netflix. All of these things may or may not help to some extent, but unless the cause of why you are experiencing the imbalance is found as well as what you need to do to restore peace is revealed to you, you will have a hard time staying out of that negative head space that can cause depression and isolation. 


Taking medication, crowding your mind with suggestions from other people or trying to ignore the problem completely will never put an end to the emotional turmoil a person feels. The path to peace is a very personal one and we can find out exactly how you strayed from it and how to get back to it by accessing your biofield. The first step is facing the issue head on and then we’ll find out if the questions just need to be asked in a different manner, at a different time or in a different setting. Or perhaps the answers are already right in front of you and we just need to teach you how to see or hear the answers on your own on a continuous basis. All the steps needed to get to a life of clarity and emotional peace will be found in your biofield once we access it. 


I had a client who was going through a very difficult time emotionally as she was about to lose her job. The company was getting rid of her position at work and she was unclear about what she wanted to do next. We connected with her biofield and found that she had a lot of things from her past that were clouding her current ability to clearly see how she needed to live her life in a healthy and stress free manner. The past issues that needed to be released and cleared were making it impossible for her to see the solution of how she needed to move forward financially. Once these things were revealed, she learned the answers she was seeking and had peace as she transitioned to a stage in her life that was better suited for her wellbeing. 


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